Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Week Nine - Task Three

A lot of people have influenced my attitude. One of them would be my mom, who has taught me to express my feelings as they come and to keep a positive outlook even on seemingly negative things. My minster has taught me to represent my highest self in all situations and to see the good things in everything. My teachers have taught me that you can be happy even in a bad situation, and in dealing with customers, how to keep them happy even if they're being difficult.

Week Nine - Task Two

I usually am really cheerful at my service learning. I try to be positive and happy because having a crappy attitude in service learning can make everyone else feel crappy too. At Jittery Joe's I have a pretty positive attitude also. It's very important to be cheerful when working with customers, so that you can maintain a good customer-worker relationship. Also because "the customer is always right."

Week Nine - Task One

My attitude fluctuates, as I'm sure everyone else's does. I highly agree with the poem in the respect that things that are happening to me are 10% and the way I react is 90%. What I don't agree with, however, is that someone should be happy 100% of the time, because that would mean hiding their true feelings, such as if they're just not feeling too well. This relates in my life because I am the kind of person who believes in expressing how I feel at the time. That doesn't mean that if I'm angry I'm going to yell at everyone. There's a fine line between expressing emotion in a healthy way and expressing emotion in an unhealthy way.

Overall, though, I think I have a really great attitude toward my life and my life events. I try to look at everything in a positive way, even if it seems absolutely dreadful, and I try to see the good in all situations.

Week Eight Journal

For week eight, we did a fairly bigger project that involved finding a picture from a magazine and drawing it onto a poster board that's about 24 by 15. I found this project to be particularly difficult, because of what I was drawing, which was a picture of some chocolates that had great detail in the simple shapes of the chocolates. I found it difficult because of the simplicity in the shapes and shading and trying to keep everything on my drawing consistant, like shading and tones, was pretty hard. All in all though, I've learned that I have the patience to finish projects like these even though I didn't think I could. I also learned that if I just sit down and try, I can get a lot done.

Week Eight - Task Two

I learned from the article on foodborne disease that it is a danger to have perishable food around, simply because if it is left out and gets bad, you could serve someone bad food and they'd get sick. It is extremely important to keep perishable foods like dairy products refridgerated at a certain temperature. Otherwise, you could have spoiled food that could make people very sick, including yourself if you happened to have some.

Keeping food covered/refridgerated is also important to keep bugs from swarming, which is against health code and is just gross in the first place. So, food preservation is a very important thing in business, otherwise you won't get any customers!

Week Eight - Task One

Well, since there aren't many dangers involved in my service learning, I'll just list a few things and then I'll use Jittery Joe's. For the art service learning, it may seem like there is no danger, but actually there could be. I could, for instance, be allergic to a type of marker or paint that I've got on my skin and get a rash or infection. Or, I could somehow (somehow being the keyword here) swallow some kind of toxic art medium... Other than that, nothing really bad can happen.

At Jittery Joe's, there are a lot more dangers. For instance, the milk steamer is extremely hot and could easily give someone a serious burn. Another thing is if there is something spilled on the floor that doesn't get cleaned up, someone could slip and get hurt. Washing the blenders is actually slightly dangerous too because you could cut your hand on the blender blades. There is a little danger in moving around the drink cases in the stock room because first of all they're heavy and second of all they could drop onto your foot or something and hurt you. Another burning issue is with coffee. If coffee ever spills on you, it can burn pretty bad.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Week Seven - Task Three

What skills do you possess that are unique to you? What experiences in work or the community equip you to follow a career path you would like to pursue? What will you continue to do in your daily life to add valuable skills to your resume?

I taught myself to play piano, and I also have a natural talent for music making. As for more business-like skills, I can talk to people really well and serve customers efficiently and appropriately. I am also very good at brainstorming for ideas and leading a group. Volunteering at different charities was the best way for me to gain my customer service skills. The same goes for public speaking, being in a band, and/or selling my art at an auction. I will definitely continue to participate in these kinds of events in order to obtain new and useful abilities as well as personal confidence.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Week Six - Task Two and Three

Time Log for the Mornings:

I definitely know that it takes me quite a while to get ready in the morning if I let myself wander around or get distracted by things like pets, books, computer, etc.

My Morning Routine:

Get up (I often sleep for an extra 10-20 minutes)
Take shower (10-30 mins. depending on if I hurry)
Get dressed (5-10 mins. depending on if I don't know what to wear or not)
Eat breakfast (10-20 mins. depending on if I have time or not)
Pack a Lunch (5-10 mins. depending on if I have ready-to-eat food or not)
Get things together and go (5-10 mins. depending on if I have everything together and whether or not I get distracted by something)

I already know what I could do to save a lot of time:
-Get clothes ready the night before
-Get lunch packed the night before
-Pack up everything the night before

Then I'll have more time to eat and take a shower and it will only take me roughly 40 minutes to be ready in the morning, rather than an hour+.

Daily Time Management:

In my daily life, one thing I could really do to save time is to get things that need to be done finished right when I get home/after dinner so that I won't have to stay up later that night to get things done or be late in the morning getting them completed.

Other than that, I am actually very good with my time management. I multitask often, and I also switch tasks regularly so that I don't become frustrated doing one thing for too long. :D

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Week Five Journal Entry

For week five we worked on a still life, which was pretty cool. I had trouble placing the objects on the paper in a way that made it seem 3D, but in the end it turned out all right. I really liked the advice Lauren gave me for drawing, such as trying to draw the shape you see rather than the object you think of. Like if I were to draw a paintbrush, I might try and draw a typical looking paintbrush, but in order to draw the one in front of my I could draw the shape that I see. Another really helpful piece of advice she gave me was to look at the negative space between obects, to learn how to space them evenly. :)