Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Week Three

Task #1:

I suppose I need to work on all the listed study skills, but there are a few that I need to work on most:

1- Get Started: If I'm tired or have little motivation one day, it is very difficult for me to get started on work. Even getting started on this was hard today!

2- Take Good Notes: Now, I take excellent notes, but I could save a lot of time by using abbreviations and not trying to make everything perfect.

Procrastinating: I tend to do that a lot.

Task #2:

a. Taking Notes

1. Before Class
-Review Notes
-Bring supplies

2. During Class
-Listen for key words
-Abbreviate and use symbols

3. After Class
-Complete any incomplete areas in notes
-Review notes for the next day

Five things I can do to take better notes:
-Ignore/eliminate distractions
-Write abbrs. for words
-Review notes each night!!!
-Make sure I have plently of paper and a good pen
-No panicking!

b. Procrastination

-Main reasons for it are:
*Difficulty concentrating
*Litte motivation
*Confusion/Too difficult

Preventing Procrastination:
-Just get started without worrying or thinking
-Stay focused
-Rewarding once completion
-Breaking down tasks into smaller pieces
-Taking breaks when needed
-Making a schedule
-Realizing that once you get started it won't be as hard as you thought

5 Things For Me to Prevent Procrastination:
-Know that things aren't as difficult as I tend to make them out to be
-Staying focused and ignoring random urges to do other tasks
-Rewarding myself when I've done a task
-Just going for it and getting started without hesitation
-Believing in myself!

Task #3:

Well, the art thing (as I call it) is going very well for me. I realized that not only do I procrastinate with my assignments at school, but I do the same for art. If I don't feel like starting/finishing an art project, I'll just leave it and ignore it, telling myself it's too hard to finish. However, I know that I am a good artist and I do have the potential to complete what I start. I hope to include the things I've learned about procrastination into my art service learning. :)

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