Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Week One Task

Task One: In which of these areas do you need to make the most improvement to become a more successful student? Even if you feel as though you are already successful, you could still make strides in one of these areas? Which is it?

I suppose I would need to improve on numbers 2 and 3. 2 because I don't always study as much as I would like to and don't do as well on tests because of that. And 3 because I sometimes have trouble motivating myself to work harder or even do my homework. :P

Task Two: What did we miss? Can you think of anything you might add to this list? Come up with one or two more habits you believe positive students have. Explain why you think your additions to this list would be important for every student at Classic City High School.

I think you should add something to the list that has to do with keeping your eyes on the future, as in keeping in mind the major goal while you're doing little "chores" that feel useless but really help to feed your future goals.

Another thing is maybe staying positive through thick and thin, and to ask for help when you need it! I know from personal experience that asking someone for help when you don't understand something can be a tough thing. Students at Classic City shouldn't be afraid to ask questions! :)